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Hi! This is a web serial. I have no idea what I'm doing. It's generally adventure/scifi with funny bits, but it isn't suitable for younger readers. Call it late teens and up.

Fair warning: there's a stressed blue-collar guy and some Dead Kennedys lyrics so there will be swears. There's some causal ethnic prejudice/xenophobia in one of the times/places. There's also people Being Smart About Some Things While Breathtakingly Dumb and Frankly Mean About Others, and the former shall not be construed to justify the later. None of the characters are me, with all my important and infallibly correct opinions. There aren't fight scenes worth the name or steamy bits, take that as a plus or a minus as you will. Some real bad violence is discussed, but there's no on-camera maiming. There's quite a lot of real stuff in there, but I don't want to say exactly what just yet because that'd give away the whole story, and who wants that?

There's also accidental time traveling, weird but 100% real computing technology, frankly bizarre geology, a tangential take on 2005 in the United States, a put-upon but good-natured Minnesotan, friendship, a weird mystery, arguably violations of linear causality, a cameo appearance by (REDACTED) and an archivist shooting an arrow into a wormhole. If that seems like the kind of thing you would like, then enjoy. If you see room for improvement (which you will) leave a comment and tell me so!


First Entry

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